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The SmartMouth™ Story

Since 1993, SmartMouth™ has led the charge against bad breath. Our founder, Dr. Marvin Cohen, recognized the need for a long-lasting solution to bad breath.

His many years of research on the cause of bad breath led to the creation of our patented zinc ion activated technology.

Most fresh breath products only provided temporary solutions. Nothing on the market addressed the underlying reason for bad breath – Volatile Sulfur Compounds.

Learn more about SmartMouth™.

The Science of SmartMouth™

Germs + Protein in Our Saliva = Sulfur Gas, AKA The Real Cause of Bad Breath
When poured in the cup, SmartMouth™’s two liquids — the Sulfur Eliminating Solution, which destroys sulfur gases, and the zinc ion Activating Solution, activate to release billions of zinc ions.

Germs + SmartMouth™ Activated Zinc Ion Solution = No More Bad Breath
It’s this zinc ion activation technology that blocks germs from consuming protein particles inside your mouth. This is the key to preventing sulfur gas production and the secret to all day bad breath prevention.

Contact Information

For information about SmartMouth™ or for press inquiries, please email us at marketing@smartmouth.com.

Corporate Offices:
SmartMouth Oral Health Laboratories
12312 Olive Blvd., Ste. 250
Saint Louis, MO 63141

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SmartMouth Base bundle product offer